Monday, 26 February 2018

Why and How to Use Honeywell Fan Timer Control Board for Cooling Electronic Equipment?

Interest has been growing in integrated circuits for controlling the speed of cooling electronic components. Compact electrical fans are cheap and have been used for cooling electronic equipment for more than half a century. However in recent years, the technology of using Honeywell fan timer control board has evolved significantly. Here, you’ll find the detail description of why this evolution has taken place and will suggest some useful approaches for the designer.

Heat Generation and Removal:

The trend in electronics, particularly consumer electronics, is towards smaller products with enhanced combinations of features. Consequently, lots of electronic components are being shoehorned into very small form factors. Besides significantly smaller and still decreasing size, the amount of heat they must dissipate doesn’t decrease. This heat needs to be removed quietly and efficiently. Use of Honeywell fan timer control board provides a quietest way to remove heat through passive components. 

Introduction of Honeywell fan timer control board to the system is a very important consideration if power is to be supplied via a battery source. 

Speed Control:

One way to answer some of the objectionable questions to use Honeywell fan timer control board is to look for the advantages it offers; which are:

  •          Running Honeywell fan timer control board in the system reduces the noise it emits
  •          Running Honeywell fan timer control board can reduce the power it consumers
  •          Running Honeywell fan timer control board in the system can increase the system’s reliability and lifetime

Besides eliminating the need for noisy pulse stretching and the communication noise associated with low-frequency, the Honeywell fan timer control board has a much wider control range than linear control. Keeping the high-frequency near, the Honeywell fan timer control board can run at speeds as low as 10% of full speed while normally you get a minimum of 50% full speed using linear control board. Finally, running the Honeywell fan timer control board also improves its lifetime, increasing system’s reliability gradually.

Thus, if you are in search of Honeywell fan timer control board; visit today. Or contact the specialists to install it in your system directly.