Tuesday, 12 July 2016

5 Best Seasonal Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

Summer is going full on heat and same goes for the air conditioning systems. Chilling cool air blasting from your air conditioning systems can be a great relief on itchy, burning summer days. But what if, it doesn’t work with its full workability. To work at their full peak, air conditioning systems need yearly maintenance. Follow these below written tips each year, to stay cool in summer and save a lot with energy and unexpected maintenance costs.
Change the Air Conditioner Filter
For central air conditioning systems, change their filters at least every few months. If you haven’t done it yet, then now is the best time to do it. It helps in saving energy bills and chills your environment more efficiently.
Check the Condensing Unit
Make sure the part of your air conditioner that draws in to your air conditioning system needs to be uncovered. Also take the time and clean obstructions around the unit.
Clean the Vents
Regular dusting of air conditioning vents is a must. It maintains a healthy and clear flow to the system. If you have been slacking, do it now.
Check the Freon Level
Check the level of you Freon coolant, and if necessary fill the coolant tank or change it. It will help your air conditioner work smoothly and better chilling power.
Check the Remaining
This is the final step. Check if the electric controls and coils are in top shape or not. Calibrate your thermostat and do other needed cleanups for the final time.
AC Parts Distributors is renowned for reselling of replacement parts for various air conditioning systems. We also supply Carrier airconditioners and its replacements parts at our online store. Check our website for all your needed air conditioner parts. Dial (877) 679-6400 for place your orders and to get details on our products.